0300 303 1284

Aspire Living 100 Club!

Aspire has a new way to raise funds!

Join our new 100 Club for just £24 per year to support Aspire and you could be a winner! You’ll be in with the chance of winning some money every month!

Your £24 buys you one membership number (we will give you a number between 1 – 100), which enters you into the monthly draw. Please note: all members of the 100 Club must be over 16.

The draw will take place on the last Friday of each month. If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winner published on our Facebook page and website news!

The prize money will be £30. The remaining money from the membership fees goes to Aspire to help fund resources and opportunities for the people we support.

To join today and for any queries, please contact Sue on 01432 266881 or email sue.bucknell@aspirehereford.org.uk.

You can also join by downloading the membership form by clicking here and returning it to Aspire.