0300 303 1284


Our Non-Executive Directors/Trustees

Our Non-Executive Directors (NEDs)/Trustees are responsible for the governance of Aspire. They make sure that everything we do complies with our Articles of Association and our strategy, vision and values.

They have significant responsibilities around our compliance with legislation and regulation, particularly about our finances as a charity and not-for-profit company. 

NEDs and Trustees are volunteers and give Aspire a lot of their time. They have an enormous range of experience, including in health and social care, business, human resources, finance and the law. They share this knowledge at our Board and help to make Aspire the great organisation that it is.

One of our NEDs has lived experience of a learning disability and brings invaluable skills and insight to our Board. Together with our Service Quality Director, this ensures that our organisation is led and our development informed by people with lived experience.

Our Service Quality Director and Managing Director are also NEDs/Trustees. This is unusual but ensures that everyone on our Board is committed to our vision and values and has the best interests of each person we support and our great staff at heart.


Company Membership

Staff members, people we support and members of their family or circle of support can become a Company Member. This is an important role that makes sure everyone’s voice is heard and can influence the way we develop.

Company Members elect an Independent Director who represents them on Aspire’s Board of Trustees. They attend Annual General Meetings and can vote on important matters.

Our Service Quality Director (SQD) leads on Company Membership and he would be happy to explain what it means and its purpose – as well as encourage you to apply!


Aspire’s Staff Forum

Aspire’s Staff Forum is a sub-committee of our Board of Trustees. It is chaired by one of our Trustees and reports to our Board.

Our Staff Forum ensures that all our staff have a voice.  Each team is represented on our Forum and can bring ideas for discussion. The Forum is invaluable for talking about events, terms of employment and Aspire’s strategic direction.


Our Health and Safety sub-committee (HASC)

Our HASC is chaired by one of our Trustees and each team has a representative. The Committee meets four times a year and representatives look at reports from our Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) and talk about important matters that affect the people we support and our staff teams, so keep us all safe and well informed.


Want to know more about us and what we do?

Come and visit, email or give us a ring


0300 303 1284

Want to know more about us and what we do?

Come and visit, email or give us a ring

0300 303 1284